August 3, 2008

My Daddy

I read alot of blogs during Father's Day about husbands and fathers. Some were funny, some were sweet and some were touching. I didn't blog about my father during Father's Day but I am going to do it now. The pictures in this blog were taken July 5th. My parents came to Columbus for the day and spent some time with us so I wanted to share the latest pic of My Dad and LK. My Dad has been sick for about four years. He has Pulmonary Hypertension and Congestive Heart Failure. He is truly one of the most remarkable people I have been blessed to know. Ask anyone who knows him and they will tell you how much they love him. He has never met a stranger and doesn't have one enemy. My Daddy is the type person who walks into the room and the room starts revolving around him. He is funny, sweet, thoughtful, loud, opinionated and full of wit. He has more friends than anyone I know. He is first and foremost a Christian. This weekend he was in the hospital in Birmingham. He had several friends who came to see him who he wasn't sure about there relationship with Jesus Christ. Before each friend left he asked to speak with them alone and he witnessed to them. He also asked several nurses and technicians if they knew the Lord. It was truly an inspiration to me. I told him on Saturday that I was amazed by his conviction to witness to others when he was so sick and had every right to be worried only for himself.... The Holy Spirit was using my Daddy for his glory and it was truly a sight to see!! I cannot explain just how sick he truly was and what a brave face he showed for all of his friends. As the weekend progressed my Daddy's condition worsened and we were all very frightened. As he laid in his hospital bed he would sing hymns to himself. "Take my hand precious Lord, lead me home" was his favorite. He would start talking to himself lying in the bed and my Mama would ask him who he was talking to and he would say "Jesus. We talk alot." My father drew comfort from the Holy Spirit and his presence. On Sunday July 27th the day before my 33rd birthday, my father passed away.. As sad as I am to lose my wonderful father who was only 56 years old, I am so glad that he is now perfect and whole and in the presence of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He truly fought the good fight!!! That is the best birthday present in the world to know my father is with our Lord Jesus. As he was dying on Sunday I truly felt the Holy Spirit in the room with us and drew comfort from his mighty strength. And as an added blessing, one of Daddy's friends who he had witnessed to in the past and been praying for was saved on Sunday morning. Praise God!!!.................I encourage each one of you that read this blog to spend as much time with your parents as you can. Love them and never take them for granted. I am so blessed to have been as close to my Daddy as I was. I wouldn't trade one day I have had with him for the world but I would give anything for just one more day. ...................Please continue to remember my mother Kay, my sister Melissa and me in your prayers. We really need them right now.


Nikki said...

That is a wonderful tribute to your father. I enjoyed reading it.

Leigh Anne Butler said...

You put your love for your father and others love for him into such beautiful words. I was at church the day Carl dedicated his life to the Lord and I can tell you there wasn't a dry eye in the church. Most people knew your dad had witnessed to him. The entire church service was magical that day and His presence was overwhelming. After reading your blog, I am convinced your dad was the reason!!

Ashleigh said...

OH Dear Leah! I did not know. I am so sorry but so greatful for your Daddy and the relationship you had and for the peace that you have knowing where he'll spend eternity! Words are inadequate at a time like this. I love you!! I will keep you and your family in my prayers.

amber said...

We are all praying for you and your family. May the Lord give you rest, peace, joy and all you need. "May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as we put our hope in you." Psalm 33:22 We love you!

Tammy McBee said...


What beautiful words. They touched my heart deeply while reading them. We will continue to pray for peace for you all. I hope you can make it to the play date in a few weeks.