April 13, 2008

My best friend, my thumb

We got home from church today and LK was really sleepy. All she wanted to do was follow me around the house and suck her thumb. The thumb sucking really used to bother me. My nephew and all my friend's children sucked pacifiers. I naturally thought LK would too and she did until she was three weeks old and the dreaded COLIC set in...... When LK developed colic she also developed a love of her thumb. She grew out of the colic but the thumb sucking was here to stay. I don't know how I will ever get her to stop sucking her thumb. I guess I will worry about it when she is a little older. For now it is definitely her favorite toy. We don't go anywhere without it. I guess I have learned to accept it a little better now. It truly is her best friend......

1 comment:

Ashleigh said...

Neither of mine sucked their thumb or took pacifiers. Trust me, many a nights I WISHED they would :)
I think it's sweet!! When she stops you'll look back at these pics so fondly!